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Work experience
Discover what a career in the water industry could look like for you through our week-long work experience programme.

About the programme
Our unique work experience programme is aimed at students, aged 14 and older, who want to find out what it could be like to work in the water industry. It is suitable for placements from one to five days.
We offer a range of work experience opportunities across our business. Whether you’re interested in electrical engineering, construction design, water pollution or IT, our work experience programme should include something that suits your interests.

Work experience pathways
The three work experience pathways available include:
- engineering and construction
- corporate business
- science and the environment.
Depending on the pathway you select, your week will involve working across five different departments that fall within your chosen pathway. This enables you to gain valuable insight into a variety of roles rather than just one.
What are the benefits?
Taking part in our work experience programme offers several benefits, including:
Rewards and recognition
A certificate illustrating your achievement and experiences and recognition within the business.
Mentoring and support
Support and advice from a 'next steps' mentor.
Training opportunities
Securing a place at our apprenticeship assessment centres.
Experience and knowledge
An exciting, in-depth view of the water industry.